Knowledge Panel

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The Knowledge Panel provides information about Shapez 2 gameplay, buildings, and goals.

The Knowledge panel is accessed with the 'Knowledge Panel' hotkey (default 'G') or by clicking on the question mark in the upper right hand corner.

All of the hotkeys listed in the Knowledge Panel are automatically updated based on the hotkeys set in the game settings.


Page Name Overview Relevant Wiki Page(s)
Welcome to your Certification! Game welcome
Shapes Basic shapes overview Shapes
Camera Navigation Controlling the camera
Basic Controls Building placement and manipulation
Conveyer Belts & Lifts Moving shapes Belts
Cutting Shapes Cutting behavior Cutting
Rotating Shapes Rotator behavior Rotator
Stacking Shapes Stacker behavior Stacker
Research Research goals and rewards Milestones, Tasks, Upgrades
Blueprints Creating and using blueprints Blueprints
Space Platforms Platform use and connection information Space Belts, Space Pipes, Foundations, Miners
Scaling Up Modular building and utilizing blueprints Blueprints
Fluids & Painting Fluid behavior, transport, and use Fluid Miners, Space Pipes, Pipes, Painter, Color Modes
Operator Level Operator Level overview Operator Level
Trains Train components and usage information Trains
Pin Pusher Pin Pusher behavior Pin Pusher
Color Mixing Color Mixing behavior Color Mixer
Crystals Crystal Generator and Crystal behavior Crystal Generator, Crystals
Wires Logic signals and wire building overview Wires

Tips & Tricks

Page Name Overview Relevant Wiki Page(s)
Area Deletion Deleting an area of buildings ('Select Area' hotkey + 'Delete' hotkey, default 'Shift + Right Click') Selections
Blueprint Toolbar Assigning blueprints to the blueprint toolbar Blueprint Library
Clear Contents Clearing shapes and fluid from selected buildings or platforms ('Clear Contents' hotkey, default 'I')
Floor Visibility Hiding upper floors ('Toggle Floor Visibility' hotkey, default 'V')
Mirroring Mirroring buildings ('Mirror' hotkey, default 'F')
More Vortex Inputs Shape delivery on multiple floors and unlocking more inputs Vortex Inputs Upgrade
Paste Last Blueprint Pasting blueprints ('Paste Blueprint' hotkey, default 'Ctrl + V') Blueprints
Pipette/Clone Selecting building via hovering over it ('Pipette' hotkey, default 'C')
Shape Previews Indicator for the shape output will be
Select Connected Selecting all belts, pipes, and buildings connected to the current selection ('Select Connected' hotkey, default 'O')
Shape Viewer Select any shape to open the Shape Viewer Shape Viewer, Shape Codes
Cycling Variants Switching between building variants ('Next Variant' hotkey, default 'Tab')
Visualizations Changing visual map indicators Visualizations
Delivery Indicators Meaning of indicators for shapes delivered to the Vortex Delivery Indicators