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Pipes transport fluid across platforms.

Pipes are placed by dragging while holding the 'Confirm Placement' hotkey (default 'Left Click'). While dragging to place pipes, Anchors are used to lock the pipe pieces without placing them. Anchors can be added and removed by pressing the 'Place Anchor' hotkey (default 'C').

If the color of the fluid input is changed, the fluid in the Pipe will drain and be replaced with the new color.

Splitter and Merger

Splitters and mergers are created by dragging from a pre-existing pipe, by dragging a pipe next to building inputs/outputs, or by placing buildings with their input/output facing an adjacent pipe. Pipes are omnidirectional, and can split and merge in all 4 directions.

Vertical Pipe

Vertical Pipes transport fluid between floors. While placing a Pipe, press the 'Move Floor Up' hotkey (default 'E') to go up a floor, or 'Move Floor Down' (default 'Q') to go down a floor. Vertical Pipes have one input and one output.

Fluid Launcher and Catcher

Fluid Launchers and Catchers are used to transport fluid between Foundations and Space Pipes as well as on Foundations. On Foundations, they must have a 4 tile gap between the Launcher and Catcher.

If the color of the fluid input is changed, the fluid in the Launcher or Catcher will drain and be replaced with the new color.