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The Wire, Wire Bridge, Wire Transmitter, and Global Transmitter are logical buildings that take an input signal, and propagate that signal through adjacent Wires. Wires can connect to Signal Producers, Buttons, Displays, Belt Readers, Belt Filters, Logic Gates, and Simulated Buildings.

A Wire will appear dark green when it has a null signal, a lighter green when it has a signal of 0, bright green when it has a shape or color code signal, as well as an integer value different from 0.

For cases where a Wire receives two different signals, the Wire will conflict, and glow bright red. The only exception is if one signal is null, in which the null signal is overwritten by the other signal.

Wire Signal Color Image
Null Darker Green
Integer = 0 Dark Green
Integer ≠ 0 Green
Conflict Red


The Wire can split, merge, and change layers much like Belts and Pipes. All inputs of a Wire can act as outputs, with the Wire's signal propagating to any connected wires in all directions.

Wire Variations.

Wire Bridge

The Wire Bridge allows for two signals to cross within the same space, without causing a conflict. A signal inputted is always outputted on the opposing side.

Wire Transmitter and Receiver

The Wire Transmitter and Receiver requires both buildings to be built with 4 tile spaces in-between, much like Belt Launchers and Catchers. The transmitter takes an input signal, and outputs the signal from the reciever 4 tiles ahead, drawing a beam between them as well. The Transmitter and Receiver can be used to transfer a signal through other buildings, where a Wire might not be possible.

Global Transmitter and Receiver

The Global Transmitters and Global Receivers are buildings that are unlockable once Wire Basics and the 3rd Floor have been unlocked. A Global Transmitter will take whatever signal is received from it's input, and transmit that signal to all Global Receivers of the the same channel that exist in the world. The Global Transmitters currently have 8 channels:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue
  4. Cyan
  5. Magenta
  6. Yellow
  7. White
  8. Uncolored

Two additional channels are also available for the receivers:

  1. Random Operator Shape #0
  2. Random Operator Shape #1