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Foundations provide building area for factory buildings. The first foundations (1x1 and 2x1) are unlocked when the player reaches the Space Platforms Milestone (Milestone 2 in the hexagonal Scenario, 3 otherwise). Additional foundations of various different dimensions can be purchased with Research Points from the Upgrades screen.

Placing a foundation costs Platform Units. The cost is equal to the number of space grid tiles the foundation occupies multiplied by 2. The 1x1 costs 2, the 2x1 costs 4, etc. Platform Units can be gained by completing Milestones and Tasks.


Foundations can connect to other foundations or to Space Belts or Space Pipes only at a notch. A notch is 1x4 build area located on the edge of the foundation. Different type of foundations have different number of notches, but they are always located in the middle of the edge of each space grid (chunk).


Preview Tiles Cost Size Total area
Foundation-1x1-500.png 1 2 1 x 1 196
Foundation-2x1-500.png 2 4 2 x 1 476
Foundation-L-500.png 3 6 2 x 2 728
Foundation-T-500.png 4 8 3 x 2 1,008
Foundation-2x2-500.png 4 8 2 x 2 1,156
Foundation-Cross-500.png 5 10 3 x 3 1,260
Foundation-3x3-500.png 9 18 3 x 3 2,916

See also: Map, Upgrades, Milestones