Color Mixer

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The Fluid Mixer takes two fluids and mixes them according to the mixing tables. The total fluid volume is maintained, 60L of each input color results in 120L of the output color.

Mixing Tables

Input 1 and Input 2 are interchangeable. The color mixing behavior is the same for other Color Modes by changing the colors according to the comparison table.

Uncolored can only be input into a color mixer if a Fluid Producer is used.

Standard Mixing

Input 1 Input 2 Result
Red Green Yellow
Red Blue Magenta
Green Blue Cyan
Yellow Blue White
Magenta Green White
Cyan Red White
Yellow Magenta White
Yellow Cyan White
Magenta Cyan White

Additional Mixing

Input 1 Input 2 Result
Any Color Input 1 Color Input 1 Color
Yellow Red or Green Yellow
Magenta Red or Blue Magenta
Cyan Green or Blue Cyan
White Any Color White
Uncolored Any Color Input 2 Color