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Half Destroyer

The Half Destroyer destroys the west half of shapes it receives as input and outputs the result.


The Cutter cuts the shape in half vertically and outputs the east half on the main output and the west half on the secondary output. The same is true for its mirrored variant.


The Swapper swaps the west halves of the shapes it receives as input and outputs the results. It is similar to two cutters and two stackers combined in a single building, making it powerful for creating some shape patterns. However, unlike the stacker, when the halves are combined, they aren't dropped but instead put next to each other, thus Crystals will not break at this point, making the Swapper required to create some shapes containing crystals.

Common to all 3

The building's rotation does not affect its working, this means it always operates on east and west halves.

During a cutting operation, if two connected crystal pieces are cut through (or if one of them is destroyed in the case of the Half Destroyer), they will shatter along with all other connected crystal pieces. See also Crystals.

After a cutting operation, the Shape Gravity Rules are applied to the resulting shape(s).