Simulated Buildings

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Simulated Buildings are logistical buildings whose function are similar to their normal shape processing counterparts. Simulated Buildings differ in which they take shape and color signals as their input, and output signals respective to each building.

Simulated Rotator

The Simulated Rotator takes a shape signal as input and outputs the shape signal rotated by one shape part clockwise, this results in a 90° rotation in regular Scenarios, and 60° in the hexagonal scenario.

Input Output
CuCu---- --CuCu--
Cu--Cu-- --Cu--Cu
CuCu--Cu--Cu CuCuCu--Cu--

Simulated Half Destroyer

The Simulated Half Destroyer takes a shape signal as input and outputs the shape signal with the western half destroyed. The Simulated Half Destroyer follows the same checks for crystals and floating shapes as the normal Half Destroyer.

Input Output
CuCuCuCu CuCu----
Cu--Cu-- Cu------

Simulated Stacker

The Simulated Stacker takes two shape signals as inputs and outputs the shape signal of the shapes stacked on top of each other. The Simulated Stacker follows the same checks for crystals and floating shapes as the normal Stacker. If either input is null, the output will be null.

By default, the Simulated Stacker's left input will be stacked on top of the right input, and vice versa if the building is mirrored.

Input A (Right) Input B (Left) Output
--CuCu-- + CuCu---- --CuCu--:CuCu----
CuCuCuCu + RuRuRuRu CuCuCuCu:RuRuRuRu--------

Simulated Unstacker

The Simulated Unstacker takes a shape signal as input and outputs two shape signals on each side.

By default, the top most layer of the shape is outputted on the left, the remaining layers are outputted on the right, and vice versa if the building is mirrored. If the inputted shape has only one layer, that layer is outputted as the top most layer.

Note : if vertically connected Crystals are separated in the unstacking process, they won't shatter.

Input Output A (Left) Output B (Right)
CuCuCuCu:RuRuRuRu:SuSuSuSu SuSuSuSu & CuCuCuCu:RuRuRuRu
CuCuCuCu CuCuCuCu & null

Simulated Painter

The Simulated Painter takes a shape and color signal as inputs and outputs the result of painting the topmost layer of the shape with that color.

The shape signal input is on the rear, and the color signal input is on the side. If either input is null, the output will be null.

Shape Input Color Input Output
CuCuCuCu + color-r CrCrCrCr
CuCuCuCu:RuRuRuRu + color-b CuCuCuCu:RbRbRbRb

Simulated Crystal Generator

The Simulated Crystal Generator takes a shape and color signal as inputs and outputs the shape with crystals in that color relacing any pins or empty quadrants in the shape.

The shape signal input is on the rear, and the color signal input is on the side. If either input is null, the output will be null.

Shape Input Color Input Output
Su--Su-- + color-r SucrSucr
P-P-P-P-:RuRu---- + color-b cbcbcbcb:RuRucbcb

Simulated Swapper

The Simulated Swapper takes two shape signals as inputs and outputs the results or swapping the west halves of both shapes. The Simulated Swapper follows the same checks for crystals and floating shapes as the normal Swapper. If either input is null, the output will be null.

Input A Input B Output A Output B
CuCuCuCu & RuRuRuRu CuCuRuRu & RuRuCuCu
SwSwCrCr & RbRbRbRb SwSwRbRb & RbRbCrCr

Simulated Pin Pusher

The Simulated Pin Pusher takes a shape signal as input and outputs the shape signal with pins pushed under the shape. The Simulated Pin Pusher follows the same checks for crystals and floating shapes as the normal Pin Pusher.

Input Output
CuCuCuCu P-P-P-P-:CuCuCuCu
Cu--Cu-- P---P---:Cu--Cu--

Shape Analyzer

The Shape Analyzer takes a shape code as input and checks the northeast part of the shape. The Shape Analyzer will then output the uncolored shape signal for that shape part through the top output, and the color signal of that shape part through the side output. If the shape part is either a Pin or empty, the color signal outputted will be null.

Input Shape Output Color Output
CuCuCuCu Cu------ & color-u
P-CuP-Sw P------- & null