Style Guide

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Field Description Example
Footprint X x Y x Z, where the X axis is west-east, Y is north-south, Z is number of floors in height. The building must also be in the default rotation. To do that, either restart the game and select the building without rotating it, or select the building and press the 'Rotate Right' hotkey (default 'Right Arrow'). 1 x 1 x 2


  • Shape parts should be used instead of 'quadrants' when referring to something that applies to both regular and hexagonal shapes.
  • Preferably, layers should be used for shape layers and floors for building floors.
  • If it doesn't hurt understandability, objects in the game (buildings, platforms, etc.) should be referred to by their in-game name (example: Cutter instead of 'full cutter', Swapper instead of 'halves swapper', etc.). Exceptions are possible however, like Bent Stacker instead of Stacker (Bent), etc.

See also: How to contribute